1. Architecture of C#
2. compilation phase and execution phase of c#.
3. Architecture of Assembly
4. Architecture of CLR.
5. Static Assembly and Shared Assembly.
6. properties---****
7. Indexer
8. Reflection
9. collection---*****
10. Generics----*****
11. Threading
12. Exception Handling
13. Garbage collection
14. Extension Method
15. conceopt of CTS(common type system/CLS(common language spectification).
16. constructor chanining
17. Delegate
1.) Asynchronous call)---Major Topics
2.) Anonymous call
3.) Lamda Exprssion.----Major Topics
4.) Multicast Delegate
18. Interface and Abstract ----Major Topics
Major Keywords:.
1. Dynamic
2. Var
3. out/ref
4. volatile
5. sealed class
6. struct
7. union
8. new
9. virtual
10. override
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